Our Story

We’re Kirsten and Jeff! Thank you for being here. We are the people behind Ectopic Pregnancy Support. If you follow EPS on social media, you’re probably more familiar with Kirsten.

We married in 2019 and couldn’t wait to start a family one day. In February of 2022, we got a positive pregnancy test! Jeff and I were so excited for this next chapter. So much that we jumped the gun and purchased nursery furniture, began our registry and told a few of our closest friends and immediate family members. How can you not when you’re so happy?!

On March 1 of 2022, we were told I was suffering an ectopic pregnancy - a life-threatening tubal pregnancy. The diagnosis
came about because my HCG numbers started to decline and my doctor didn't see a baby in my uterus based on my ultrasound results. The future of our exciting next chapter turned upside down. Kirsten was rushed to receive methotrexate injections, which is a medication used to stop cell growth and dissolve existing cells.

Once you receive methotrexate, it’s protocol to get constant lab work to be sure the medication is working. It took Kirsten about three weeks for her HCG levels to get below 5. Those 3 weeks were TOUGH. She had to get blood drawn every three days, which reminded her of the loss each time. Her arms were so bruised… Kirsten was physically and mentally exhausted.

Kirsten created @ectopicpregnancysupport on Instagram shortly after her HCG numbers were normal. She originally used the Instagram account as an online journal – just a way to get her feelings out. As time went on, she
started getting an influx of messages saying how helpful and impactful her posts were. What started as an online journal quickly became an online support group. It has meant the world to her knowing that she’s helping others through one of the most painful times in one’s life.

We started to think about how impactful it’d be for women to have a platform to communicate with each other about their journeys – rather than just women direct messaging Kirsten on Instagram. And then EPS Slack Community was born!

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Pregnant After our Ectopic Pregnancy

We want to start this message off with: We hope you find our pregnancy after an ectopic as a story of inspiration. So many of you have asked us on IG to share more pregnancy success stories following women who’ve gone through an ectopic pregnancy, which is why we’re sharing our pregnancy with you. I hope our story can help you through your ectopic pregnancy journey, but also your trying to conceive journey.

In April of 2023, we FINALLY got a positive pregnancy test… something we wished for since the day we lost our first baby. It was a long year of trying and testing, but we remained hopeful that it would happen at the right time. It was never an “if” for us. It was a “when.” And we truly believe that for all of you. Timing is everything.

We waited so long to share this announcement on IG because we’re so mindful and aware of your feelings. We know this can be a trigger. And if this is you, please know we’re sending you so many positive and loving thoughts.

Our rainbow baby is due December 2023 - it’s so surreal to even type that. Although the last year has been filled with the lowest of the low moments, we’re now feeling the highest of the high moments. There’s always light at the end of a dark tunnel.

Again, we share this to bring you hope. We are an open book and there will be a channel in EPS Slack Community specifically for women
trying to conceive after an ectopic pregnancy.

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