Methotrexate to Treat My Ectopic Pregnancy

Methotrexate is the most common drug used to treat ectopic pregnancy. This drug stops cells from growing, which ends the pregnancy. I received an emergency dose of methotrexate on March 1 of 2022 after my HCG numbers started to decline and my doctor didn't see a baby in my uterus based on my ultrasound results.

I remember impatiently waiting in the waiting room and then being escorted into the patient room where I'd receive methotrexate. The entire world seemed quiet and still.

The doctor walked in and told me that the dosage would be divided into two shots injected simultaneously. They gave me the option of the injections going into my arms or thighs. I chose my arms because I thought that would be the most natural.

As soon as the injections went in, I had a rush of warmth throughout my body and immediately started to cry. The reality of what just happened hit me at that moment.

My initial thoughts following the days after methotrexate were that I would bleed heavily (sorry, TMI), but it never got to that point. I just seemed to spot here and there for a couple of weeks. Below are how my HCG numbers decreased:

▶︎3/1: 510
▶︎3/4: 390
▶︎3/7: 173
▶︎3/14: 10
▶︎3/21: 1

It took me about three weeks for my HCG levels to be below 5. Those 3 weeks were TOUGH. Every blood draw reminded me of our loss. My arms were so bruised. I was physically and mentally exhausted.

For those who don't know, methotrexate stays in your system for 3 months. I signed up for an online therapy service to help me cope with all my emotions during this time. Throughout those 3 months, below are the symptoms I had:

▶︎Extreme fatigue
▶︎Hormone imbalances

I want to be sure to state that this is my methotrexate journey. Every woman's experience is different. If you find yourself going through this, I SEE YOU. You are not alone. Stay strong, mama.
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