Ectopic Pregnancies and Miscarriages Aren't Equal

I've realized that there's a lot of confusion around miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. To be frank, it's upsetting that individuals think they're the same thing. They are NOT equal.

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to tissue outside the uterus. It's much rarer than a miscarriage. When this type of pregnancy happens, the fetus cannot grow normally. It can be extremely painful and even dangerous for the mother.

A miscarriage usually occurs within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. It's much more common than an ectopic pregnancy. In most cases, they happen because something is wrong with the fetus.

One of the main differences between the two is treatment.

For ectopic pregnancies, treatment is usually required because the mother is at risk of their tube rupturing and leading to life-threatening conditions. Treatment may involve a chemo-like drug called methotrexate and/or surgery. Depending on the treatment the mother experiences, there's a significant amount of time needed to heal and recover.

For miscarriages, it's common for the mother's body to naturally pass the fertilized egg. Treatment isn't always needed.

Long story short, an ectopic pregnancy is much more severe, rare and traumatic. I do want to say that a miscarriage is just as heartbreaking, and my heart goes out to those who have experienced a miscarriage. Both circumstances require a grieving process. But I'm tired of people thinking they are the same.

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